Travel strollers are essential for those who need to fit large prams into car trunks or travel with pushchairs. Despite the short time your child spends in a pushchair, if it’s heavy and cumbersome, it can feel like an eternity.

A high quality lightweight travel stroller that’s as compact and easy to maneuver as possible is a must, regardless of whether you’re a jetsetter or just like to have a buggy available on occasion (as well as one that’s comfortable for baby and toddler).

Depending on the weight of the buggies, it can be used for around-town trips (when your child begins walking, you can push them one-handed), for journeys on public transport, and of course for holidays…especially when you’re flying or using a small car.





Pushchairs can be as light as possible without sacrificing creature comforts, and a super stripped-back model may not be right for everyone. If you’re shopping for a pushchair, think about how much padding your child likes (especially if they’re a light sleeper) as well as features like parent or world-facing (not all buggies have both) and multiple recline positions. Having a reclining buggy is essential if your child takes naps on the go!

Light buggies in the UK should have rain covers and sun covers (well, if you’re feeling optimistic). It is not common for buggies, particularly lightweight ones, to come with rain covers. As they can be quite expensive, it’s worth checking if they are included in the budget. Similar to lightweights, lightweights lack hoods and sun umbrellas, or they have them that are incredibly small. For a holiday in the sun, you’ll want to pay close attention to this factor when shopping for a light buggy.



Travel Stroller From Silver Cross



The Silver Cross organization has submitted its second entry. The Zest folds into a long, thin shape, despite being similar in weight to the Jet. Due to this, it would be better suited to driving holidays rather than flying…at least not for stashing in the cabin. It can accommodate toddlers who can tire easily and become grumpy if they have to walk a long distance, unlike some travel buggies.

It comes with a 5-point safety harness, which is padded but roomy and reclaimable in a few positions. The Zest is equipped with an extendable UPF50+ ventilated hood, rain cover, and basket and its aluminum chassis weighs just 5.8kg. There’s no doubt that you’ll use this stroller well beyond your holiday, even if it isn’t the cheapest.



Affordable travel stroller



If you’re looking for a lightweight stroller for short trips around town or a holiday buggy, Josie’s Pact Lite is an excellent choice. Parents prefer forward-facing buggies at the beginning since they have a flat reclining seat that can be used from birth (technically). In addition, the buggy reclines flat and has other reclining positions to keep napping children comfortable, and it comes with an extendable canopy with visor for weather protection and all-wheel suspension.

It comes with a carrying strap and is Jodie’s easiest, quickest, and most compact folding chassis. With its one-handed fold, it can be easily stored away in a hallway or on public transportation. Physically and financially, it’s lightweight at 5.5kg.





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